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fowl plague

См. также в других словарях:

  • fowl plague — n AVIAN INFLUENZA * * * avian influenza …   Medical dictionary

  • fowl plague — noun : a highly fatal virus disease of domestic poultry excepting pigeons and of many kinds of wild birds compare fowl cholera * * * fowl plague, a very destructive, infectious disease of domestic poultry, caused by a virus: »Fowl plague strikes… …   Useful english dictionary

  • fowl plague. — See avian influenza. * * * …   Universalium

  • fowl plague — n. avian influenza, avian flu, bird flu, acute and generally fatal viral infectious disease of chickens and other domestic and wild birds (characterized by fever, swollen head and neck, color of the comb and wattle is bluish black, diarrhea and… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • fowl plague — noun a serious infectious disease of poultry caused by an influenza virus …   English new terms dictionary

  • fowl plague. — See avian influenza …   Useful english dictionary

  • fowl-pest — fowlˈ pest noun 1. An acute contagious virus disease of birds (also fowlˈ plague) 2. Another similar disease, Newcastle disease • • • Main Entry: ↑fowl …   Useful english dictionary

  • fowl pest — noun either of two acute viral diseases of domestic fowl; characterized by refusal to eat and high temperature and discoloration of the comb • Hypernyms: ↑animal disease * * * noun 1. : fowl plague 2. : newcastle disease * * * n. either of two s …   Useful english dictionary

  • fowl cholera — noun an acute diarrheal disease (especially of chickens) caused by the microorganism that causes hemorrhagic septicemia • Hypernyms: ↑animal disease, ↑blood poisoning, ↑septicemia, ↑septicaemia * * * noun : an acute contagious septicemic disease… …   Useful english dictionary

  • fowl pest — noun Newcastle disease or fowl plague …   English new terms dictionary

  • Animal diseases usually confined to certain regions of the world — ▪ Table Animal diseases usually confined to certain regions of the world name(s) of disease animal(s) affected distribution nature of disease African horse sickness (AHS), equine plague, pestis equorum, perdesiekte primarily horses, donkeys,… …   Universalium

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